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assumeCompare(String, String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberStringUtil
Compare two strings with the assumption that both strings are valid decimal integers.
assumeCompareAllBase(String, String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberStringUtil
Compare two strings with the assumption that both strings are valid integers of any radix between 2 and 36.
assumeIsEven(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberStringUtil
Check if a string an even number with the assumption that the string is a valid decimal integer in string representation.
assumeIsOdd(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberStringUtil
Check if a string a odd number with the assumption that the string is a valid decimal integer in string representation.


Base10Util - Class in host.fai.lib.faiNumber
The Base10Util class is a final class that provides static methods for converting base 10 numbering system values in string representation to a Java's Primitive Data Type.
Base16Util - Class in host.fai.lib.faiNumber
The Base16Util class is a final class that provides static methods for converting base 16 numbering system values in string representation to a Java's Primitive Data Type.
Base2Util - Class in host.fai.lib.faiNumber
The Base2Util class is a final class that provides static methods for converting base 2 numbering system values in string representation to a Java's Primitive Data Type.
Base3Util - Class in host.fai.lib.faiNumber
The Base3Util class is a final class that provides static methods for converting base 3 numbering system values in string representation to a Java's Primitive Data Type.
Base8Util - Class in host.fai.lib.faiNumber
The Base8Util class is a final class that provides static methods for converting base 8 numbering system values in string representation to a Java's Primitive Data Type.
BinaryUtil - Class in host.fai.lib.faiNumber
The BinaryUtil class is a final class that provides static methods for converting binary values in string representation as bits to a Java's Primitive Data Type.


compare(String, String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberStringUtil
Compare two strings as decimal integers.
compareAsBase(String, String, int) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberStringUtil
Compare two strings as integers of a define radix.
compareAsInt(String, String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.Base10Util
Compare two base 10 number strings as integer int values.
compareAsInt(String, String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.DecimalUtil
Compare two decimal number strings as integer int values.
compareAsLong(String, String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.Base10Util
Compare two base 10 number strings as integer long values.
compareAsLong(String, String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.DecimalUtil
Compare two decimal number strings as integer long values.


DecimalUtil - Class in host.fai.lib.faiNumber
The DecimalUtil class is a final class that provides static methods for converting decimal values in string representation as bits to a Java's Primitive Data Type.


EmptyStringException - Exception in host.fai.lib.faiNumber
The EmptyStringException class is a final class that extends the IllegalArgumentException class.
EmptyStringException() - Constructor for exception host.fai.lib.faiNumber.EmptyStringException
EmptyStringException(String) - Constructor for exception host.fai.lib.faiNumber.EmptyStringException


faiNumberInfo - Class in host.fai.lib.faiNumber
The faiNumberInfo class provides the version number and the package name for this package.


HexUtil - Class in host.fai.lib.faiNumber
The HexUtil class is a final class that provides static methods for converting hexadecimal values in string representation as bits to a Java's Primitive Data Type.
host.fai.lib.faiNumber - package host.fai.lib.faiNumber
host.fai.lib.faiNumber is a library that mainly deals with converting strings of number to a supported primitive data type, numerically validating strings or chars, numerically comparing strings, and converting a supported primitive data type to numerical strings.


intOrSmaller(String, String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.Base10Util
Compare two strings bases on the content of the strings reference to an integer int value.
intOrSmaller(String, String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.DecimalUtil
Compare two strings bases on the content of the strings reference to an integer int value.
IntUtil - Class in host.fai.lib.faiNumber
The IntUtil class is a final class that provides static methods for working with integer int values.
isBase(String, int) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberStringUtil
Check if a string is a valid signed integer of the defined radix.
isBaseDigit(char, int) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberStringUtil
Check if a char is a valid digit of a defined radix.
isBinary(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberStringUtil
Check if a string is a valid signed binary integer.
isBinaryDigit(char) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberStringUtil
Check if a char is a valid binary digit.
isDigit(char) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberStringUtil
Check if a char is a valid decimal digit.
isEven(int) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.IntUtil
Check if the input is an even number.
isEven(long) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.LongUtil
Check if the input is an even number.
isHex(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberStringUtil
Check if a string is a valid signed hexadecimal integer.
isHexDigit(char) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberStringUtil
Check if a char is a valid hexadecimal digit.
isInteger(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberStringUtil
Check if a string is a valid signed decimal integer.
isOctal(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberStringUtil
Check if a string is a valid signed octal integer.
isOctalDigit(char) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberStringUtil
Check if a char is a valid octal digit.
isOdd(int) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.IntUtil
Check if the input is an odd number.
isOdd(long) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.LongUtil
Check if the input is an odd number.
isUnsignedBase(String, int) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberStringUtil
Check if a string is a valid unsigned integer of the defined radix.
isUnsignedBinary(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberStringUtil
Check if a string is a valid unsigned binary integer.
isUnsignedHex(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberStringUtil
Check if a string is a valid unsigned hexadecimal integer.
isUnsignedInteger(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberStringUtil
Check if a string is a valid unsigned decimal integer.
isUnsignedOctal(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberStringUtil
Check if a string is a valid unsigned octal integer.


longOrSmaller(String, String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.Base10Util
Compare two strings bases on the content of the strings reference to an integer long value.
longOrSmaller(String, String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.DecimalUtil
Compare two strings bases on the content of the strings reference to an integer long value.
LongUtil - Class in host.fai.lib.faiNumber
The LongUtil class is a final class that provides methods for working with integer long values.


NumberBeyondCapacityException - Exception in host.fai.lib.faiNumber
The NumberBeyondCapacityException class is a class that extends the RuntimeException class.
NumberBeyondCapacityException(String) - Constructor for exception host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberBeyondCapacityException
NumberConverter - Class in host.fai.lib.faiNumber
The NumberConvert is a final class that provide methods for converting numbers in String format to a Java's Primitive Data Type.
NumberOverFlowException - Exception in host.fai.lib.faiNumber
The NumberOverFlowException class is a final class that extends the NumberBeyondCapacityException class, of which extends the RuntimeException class.
NumberOverFlowException(String) - Constructor for exception host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberOverFlowException
NumberStringUtil - Class in host.fai.lib.faiNumber
The NumberStringUtil class is a final class that provides methods for working with numbers in String format.
NumberUnderFlowException - Exception in host.fai.lib.faiNumber
The NumberUnderFlowException class is a final class that extends the NumberBeyondCapacityException class, of which extends the RuntimeException class.
NumberUnderFlowException(String) - Constructor for exception host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberUnderFlowException


OctalUtil - Class in host.fai.lib.faiNumber
The OctalUtil class is a final class that provides static methods for converting octal values in string representation as bits to a Java's Primitive Data Type.


PACKAGE_NAME - Variable in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.faiNumberInfo


toInt(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.Base10Util
Parse the input string as signed base 10 digits representation into an integer int value.
toInt(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.Base16Util
Parse the input string as signed base 16 digits representation into an integer int value.
toInt(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.Base2Util
Parse the input string as signed base 2 digits representation into an integer int value.
toInt(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.Base3Util
Parse the input string as signed base 3 digits representation into an integer int value.
toInt(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.Base8Util
Parse the input string as signed base 8 digits representation into an integer int value.
toInt(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.BinaryUtil
Parse the input string as bits represented by binary digits to an integer int value.
toInt(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.DecimalUtil
Parse the input string as signed decimal number into an integer int value.
toInt(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.HexUtil
Parse the input string as bits represented by hexadecimal digits to an integer int value.
toInt(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberConverter
Parse a string of signed decimal value without a floating point value into an integer int value.
toInt(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.OctalUtil
Parse the input string as bits represented by octal digits to an integer int value.
toInt(String, int) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberConverter
Parse the input string to an integer int value with the defined base number for the conversion.
toIntAsUnsigned(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.Base10Util
Parse the input string as unsigned base 10 number representation into an integer int value as if the integer int is an unsigned type.
toIntAsUnsigned(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.Base16Util
Parse the input string as unsigned base 16 number representation into an integer int value as if the integer int is an unsigned type.
toIntAsUnsigned(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.Base2Util
Parse the input string as unsigned base 2 number representation into an integer int value as if the integer int is an unsigned type.
toIntAsUnsigned(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.Base3Util
Parse the input string as unsigned base 3 number representation into an integer int value as if the integer int is an unsigned type.
toIntAsUnsigned(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.Base8Util
Parse the input string as unsigned base 8 number representation into an integer int value as if the integer int is an unsigned type.
toIntTrueError(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.Base10Util
Parse the input string as signed base 10 digits representation into an integer int value.
toIntTrueError(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.DecimalUtil
Parse the input string as signed decimal number into an integer int value.
toLong(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.Base10Util
Parse the input string as signed base 10 number representation into an integer long value.
toLong(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.Base16Util
Parse the input string as signed base 16 number representation into an integer long value.
toLong(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.Base2Util
Parse the input string as signed base 2 number representation into an integer long value.
toLong(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.Base3Util
Parse the input string as signed base 3 number representation into an integer long value.
toLong(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.Base8Util
Parse the input string as signed base 8 number representation into an integer long value.
toLong(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.BinaryUtil
Parse the input string as bits represented by binary digits to an integer long value.
toLong(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.DecimalUtil
Parse the input string as signed decimal number into an integer long value.
toLong(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.HexUtil
Parse the input string as bits represented by hexadecimal digits to an integer long value.
toLong(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberConverter
Parse a string of decimal value without a floating point value into an integer long value.
toLong(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.OctalUtil
Parse the input string as bits represented by octal digits to an integer long value.
toLong(String, int) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.NumberConverter
Parse the input string to an integer long value with the defined base number for the conversion.
toLongAsUnsigned(int) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.IntUtil
Convert the integer int input as unsigned bits to an integer long value.
toLongAsUnsigned(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.Base10Util
Parse the input string as unsigned base 10 number representation into an integer long value as if the integer long is an unsigned type.
toLongAsUnsigned(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.Base16Util
Parse the input string as unsigned base 16 number representation into an integer long value as if the integer long is an unsigned type.
toLongAsUnsigned(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.Base2Util
Parse the input string as unsigned base 2 number representation into an integer long value as if the integer long is an unsigned type.
toLongAsUnsigned(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.Base3Util
Parse the input string as unsigned base 3 number representation into an integer long value as if the integer long is an unsigned type.
toLongAsUnsigned(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.Base8Util
Parse the input string as unsigned base 8 number representation into an integer long value as if the integer long is an unsigned type.
toLongTrueError(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.Base10Util
Parse the input string as signed base 10 number representation into an integer long value.
toLongTrueError(String) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.DecimalUtil
Parse the input string as signed decimal number into an integer long value.
toSignedBinary(int) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.IntUtil
Parse the integer int input to a string of signed binary digits.
toSignedBinary(long) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.LongUtil
Parse the integer long input to a string of signed binary digits.
toSignedHex(int) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.IntUtil
Parse the integer int input to a string of signed hexadecimal digits.
toSignedHex(long) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.LongUtil
Parse the integer long input to a string of signed hexadecimal digits.
toSignedOctal(int) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.IntUtil
Parse the integer int input to a string of signed octal digits.
toSignedOctal(long) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.LongUtil
Parse the integer long input to a string of signed octal digits.
toStringAsUnsigned(int) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.IntUtil
Parse the integer int input to a string of decimal as unsigned bits.
toStringAsUnsigned(long) - Static method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.LongUtil
Parse the integer long input to a string of decimal as unsigned bits.


VERSION - Variable in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.faiNumberInfo
Version number: Major.Minor.Security/BugFix.Build
VERSION_NUMBER() - Method in class host.fai.lib.faiNumber.faiNumberInfo
Return an array of int that represents the VERSION number.